Disruption and innovation in housing: working across boundaries in theory, research, and practice
We are pleased to announce that we will be returning to Sheffield for a hybrid conference with both online and face-to-face sessions.
Our 2022 conference is titled Disruption and innovation in housing: working across boundaries in theory, research, and practice.
Housing issues around the globe are multi-faceted, diverse, and complex. These issues are interweaved with broader societal, economic, and political changes, disruptions, and challenges. Solving these problems require academics, practitioners, and communities to work together across disciplinary and professional boundaries.
This conference explores housing issues from different perspectives and research areas. This conference further considers our interconnected approach to housing studies, which draws links between teaching, research and practice, and connections between academics, practitioners, and communities, whilst working across disciplines and national contexts.
There has been a resurgence of interest in housing as a basis from which to understand our interconnected and evolving society. This conference offers an opportunity to engage in broader discussions including (but not limited to):
- the approaches to conceptualising ‘home’,
- the relationship between our housing and neighbourhoods, and our physical and psychological health,
- housing activism and politics,
- intersectional inequalities in access to safe and secure housing,
- housing economics,
- global and cross-sectional responses to housing crises,
- housing, migration, and communities,
- the management and governance of housing providers,
- urban change, and dynamics in housing systems,
- fuel poverty and climate change,
- the design and quality of residential buildings, and ,
- homelessness, housing, and welfare policy.
The conference further provides the chance to bring new theories from other disciplines and innovative methods to the study of housing.
The HSA 2022 Annual Conference, the premier forum for the presentation of advances and research in housing theory and practice, will be returning as a hybrid conference. With face-to-face sessions in Sheffield between the 4th and 6th April 2022, and online sessions between March 28th and April 15th.
We warmly welcome contributions from within and outside academia, and from all disciplinary backgrounds, including architecture, business, criminology, economics, geography, planning, psychology, social policy, socio-legal studies, sociology, technology, and others. We welcome papers from UK-based and international researchers that consider both single country and comparative approaches.
We look forward to seeing you in Sheffield in April 2022,
Tom Simcock, Lynne McMordie, and Josie Ozols-Riding
HSA 2022 Conference Organisers

Our early-bird rate for hybrid registration will close on the 21st February 2022.
Discounted hotel rooms are available until the 21st February, after this date you will have to book directly with the hotel.
Find out more about our hybrid conference and our fees in our FAQ here