
Category: Blog

Blog: Is Social Fragmentation on the Decline in Amsterdam?

What happens when two contrasting communities border each other?
22 May 2024

Blog: One Kensington Gardens and buy-to-leave gentrification

Dr. Sharda Rozena details extracts from a recently published paper in Antipode, and also runner-up in the Thinkhouse Early Career Researcher Prize.
15 Mar 2024

Blog: How do Housing First Caseworkers Lease-up Clients?

Garrett Grainger qualitatively explores how Housing First caseworkers form leases with private landlords for their clients.
18 Dec 2023

Blog: Land Inequality and Concentrated Wealth: An Elephant in the Room?

Rhiannon Craft problematises the concentration of land ownership, providing important context to many housing-related issues.
11 Dec 2023

Blog: Racial Equity Demands Bespoke Homeless Assessments

Garrett Grainger discusses the salience of race relations to homeless allocation schemes in the USA
27 Nov 2023

Blog: Investigating sexual & reproductive health experiences and decision-making of homeless women

Molly Turrell discusses her PhD research on women's homelessness and sexual reproductive health in England and Australia.
1 Nov 2023

Blog: Somewhere to Call Home: Community-Led Housing, Space and Territorialisation

Robert Read discusses his research on the London Community Land Trust
2 Oct 2023

Blog: Mapping and Situating Financialisation in Taiwan

Yu-Tung Wu writes about the urban history of Military Dependents' Villages (MDVs) in Taiwan
11 Sep 2023

Blog: Housing Difficulties for Single Women in Istanbul

Ceren Lordoğlu considers the important ways in which single women experience safety concerns and other housing disadvantages
7 Sep 2023

Blog: Community-led Housing in England - Barriers and Enablers

Philippa Hughes discusses her PhD research and argues for the importance of community-led housing as an alternative to the unjust housing system.
23 Aug 2023

Blog: Asylum Accommodation as Carceral Space

Anna Pearce presents her PhD research about accommodation for asylum seekers
7 Aug 2023

Blog: What's 'normal' anyway?

In this blog, Fiona Long provides an insight into her PhD thesis which involves an ethnographic study of a men's homeless hostel in England.
1 Aug 2023

The politics of housing: Navigating access to land for Malaysia’s social housing

In this blog, Nur Fareza Mustapha discusses the politics of housing.
15 Jun 2023

Stories of Australian single mother families’ housing experiences: struggling and resilience

In this blog, Mengxing discusses the stories of Australian single mother families' housing experiences
10 May 2023

Rental markets in informal settlements in Zambia: How do they work?

In this blog, Chilombo Musa discusses the rental markets in informal settlements in Zambia.
20 Mar 2023

Are our homes flexible enough to support our wellbeing?

In this blog, Sadhana Jagannath discusses the role our homes can have on our wellbeing.
27 Feb 2023

Meeting Housing Demand

In this blog Glen Bramley reflects on decades of parliamentary and governmental inquiries into meeting housing demand
24 May 2022

Policy Review Papers: What are they and why should ECRs think about writing one?

This blog discusses the do's and don'ts of writing a policy review paper.
17 Dec 2021

Housing and Digitisation

Elizabeth O'Hara considers new evidence concerning housing advice and digitisation in the context of the pandemic
24 Sep 2021

Empowerment and Enablement: Tackling Scotland’s Rural Housing Crisis

Derek Logie reflects on policy developments which have supported community-led housing in the last 20 years, and what more needs to be done.
8 Sep 2021

Ontological security. A term of contradictions.

In our latest 30 for 30 blog post Craig Gurney discusses ontological security.
20 Jul 2021

How British community groups are helping refugees integrate – and the government is making it harder

Whilst the Government support refugee integration in principal, there is little policy and state support to back this up.
25 Jun 2021

How can SNP and Greens end the housing crisis in Scotland?

In this blog Regina Serpa argues that a right to housing shouldn't be dependent on the outcome of a 2nd Independence Referendum.
10 Jun 2021

Interdisciplinary Forum on Innovative Housing Solutions

Philippa Hughes & Charles Gillott (University of Sheffield) reflect on their experience of hosting an Innovative Housing Solutions Forum.
1 Jun 2021

Stigma and Social Housing

As part of our 30 for 30 blogs Melanie Rees from the CIH looks at initiatives that are trying to address the stigma of social housing.
21 May 2021

The clue is in the name: homeless people need homes, not houses.

Based on personal experience, Leanna’s blog reflects on current homelessness policy in England and highlights that we still have a long way to go.
11 May 2021

Changing Fortunes of the UK PRS & Implications for Housing Research & Education

Dr Kim McKee reflects on the recent history of the Private Rented Sector (PRS) and the role of housing research and education.
12 Apr 2021

​The HSA is 30 years old!

HSA Chair, Professor Phil Brown, launches our '30 for 30' blog series in celebration of the HSA's 30th anniversary.
15 Mar 2021

The Role of PRS Landlords in Making a Rented House a Home

Steve Rolfe and Kim McKee provide an overview of a new research report on what PRS landlords can do to help tenants feel at home
4 Feb 2021

Reconceptualizing Housing Tenure Seminar Series Part 2 – Stirling Event

Kim McKee, Craig Gurney and Jenny Hoolachan provide an overview of the second HSA/HSCT seminar on the topic of tenure
25 Aug 2020

Resources & Stakeholders: Rethinking Collaboration for Affordable Housing Provision

Sana Malik discusses the role of stakeholder engagement in affordable housing provision
8 Jul 2020

Coronavirus nearly ended homelessness in the UK. How can we end it for good?

Lígia Teixeira argues that homelessness in the UK cannot go back to 'business as usual' post COVID-19
3 Jul 2020

Rent and its Discontents: Tenant Mobilisation Against Housing Crisis

Neil Gray and Sonja Coquelin summarise their recent HSA-funded event
29 Jun 2020

How lockdown is disrupting the usual coping strategies of the fuel poor and necessitating new ones

The trustees of the Fuel Poverty Research Network explain how fuel poor households are being impacted by COVID-19 and lockdown
22 Jun 2020

Tackling Fuel Poverty – The Implications of Covid-19

The trustees of the Fuel Poverty Research Network discuss fuel poverty in light of the COVID-19 pandemic
15 May 2020

Housing Hits Zero!

In this HSA co-blog, Jenny Brierley and Phil Brown imagine the future of net-zero carbon in housing
27 Apr 2020

A Tribute to Jim Kemeny

Keith Jacobs and Tony Manzi pay tribute to their colleague and friend Professor Jim Kemeny who sadly passed away earlier this month.
20 Apr 2020

A Tribute to Ben Pattison

Ian Cole pays tribute to his friend and colleague Ben Pattison who sadly passed away in March 2020.
14 Apr 2020

If We Want Tenure to Tell us Something, What Do we Want it to Say?

Yoric Irving-Clarke provides detail of papers presented at the very first HSA/HSCT seminar on the topic of tenure
31 Mar 2020

Reconceptualizing Housing Tenure: Responding to the Intellectual and Policy Challenges.

Craig Gurney, Jenny Hoolachan and Kim McKee provide an overview of the first HSA/HSCT seminar on the topic of tenure
31 Mar 2020

A Broken Housing System that Works Well

Rowland Atkinson and Keith Jacobs introduce their new book 'What do we know and what should we do about housing?'
13 Feb 2020

Remembering Professor Ray Forrest

Alex Marsh reflects on the life and career of Professor Ray Forrest who sadly passed away in January 2020
27 Jan 2020

Welcome to the New Website of the Housing Studies Association

Phil Brown - HSA Chair - introduces our new website and sets out the HSA's plans for the coming years
16 Jan 2020

Getting to the Root

In this first HSA co-blog, Emma Lindley and Simon Taylor discuss the root causes of homelessness
7 Jan 2020

Remembering and Reflecting on my Time with HSA

Jenny Galbraith summarises her experiences of becoming involved with the HSA as an early-career researcher
5 Dec 2019

Students and Early Career Researchers: Do Not Fear Conferences!

Christian Zielinski reflects on his first time at a HSA conference
7 Nov 2019

Scottish Housing Day: 'Housing is a Human Right'

A reflection on two Scottish Housing Day events
25 Oct 2019

Make Planning Great Again

Housing Debates at the UK & Ireland Planning Research Conference 2019
10 Oct 2019

Young British Adults’ Homeownership Circumstances

Ellie Suh discusses findings from research on the role of family financial support in young British adults’ entry to homeownership.
24 Sep 2019

Querying the Legitimacy of a Housing Takeover and Property Rights in the Philippines

Research on Occupy Bulacan – a housing takeover movement in the Philippines by Hazel Dizon
6 Sep 2019

The Professionalisation of Short-Term Letting in London

Tom Simcock discusses the rise of Airbnb in London
23 Aug 2019

Reflecting on the Social Policy Association Conference 2019

Katie Colliver describes her experience of attending the Social Policy Association 2019 conference
16 Aug 2019

Home ownership and the power of the collective

Abi Woodward explains the use of informal economic activities which enable home ownership among Pakistani Muslims in Sheffield.
24 Jun 2019

The “undeserving poor”: Do multiply excluded homeless people experience poorer service interactions?

Edith England develops the concept of 'multiple exclusion homelessness'
14 Jun 2019

Control, Security & Praxis: Rethinking Home

Craig Gurney considers how the 2019 HSA conference shed new light on the concept of home
2 May 2019

The (dis)empowering potential of Health Smart Homes

Rachel Creaney discusses her PhD research on Health Smart Homes
2 Apr 2019

Building on What We Know: Fault Lines for Housing Research?

Alan Murie takes a historical look at housing tenure and questions the relevance of tenure for the future of housing studies
19 Mar 2019

The role of housing in tackling domestic abuse

Dora Welker discusses Sanctuary Schemes for domestic violence victims
28 Jan 2019

Doing Housing Research: Methods and Reality – 30th November

Jenny Galbraith and Emma Harrison reflect on their HSA-funded event on research methods and challenges within housing studies
19 Dec 2018

Rethinking social housing: how evidence should drive practice

Yoric Irving-Clarke outlines key findings from the CIH's 'Rethinking Social Housing' research
23 Oct 2018

HSA Sponsored Event – The Immigration Act and Public Services

Kim McKee and Sharon Leahy reflect on their UK Immigration Act symposium
4 Jul 2018

Constructing the Housing Crisis

Julia Heslop and Emma Ormerod discuss what is meant by a 'housing crisis'
19 Jun 2018

Joining Together and Promoting the Value of Social Housing Research

Simon Williams and Tony Price discuss the first joint meeting of RUSH and the Northern Regional Research Group
11 May 2018

Queery-ing Housing Studies

Peter Matthews discusses inequalities across housing organisations for LGBT+ people
3 May 2018

Why this Research-Led Housing Conference is Worth your Time

Councillor Paul Smith explains why non-academics should get involved with HSA
16 Apr 2018

Domestic Abuse and Housing: Reflections from the CIH/University of Essex Conference

Yoric Irving-Clarke reflects on a conference about domestic abuse and housing
3 Apr 2018

Research and Practice in Lock-Step

Tony Stacey discusses the role of practitioners and researchers in addressing housing issues in the UK
20 Mar 2018

Careers in Housing – The Lecturer’s Perspective

Helen Taylor discusses why she loves teaching Housing Studies
9 Mar 2018

HSA Conference 2018, Five Weeks to Go!

Joe Crawford and Tony Manzi provide a sneek peak of this year's HSA conference
6 Mar 2018

Youth Unemployment, Welfare Stigmatization and Mental Health

Chris Devany reflects on an ESRC Festival of Social Sciences event
7 Dec 2017

Autumn Budget 2017

Gavin Smart discusses the place of housing in the Autumn Budget
24 Nov 2017

The Public’s Housing – Towards a National Housing Movement?

Rowland Atkinson provides an overview of an event at the Sheffield Festival of Debate
10 Nov 2017

Lord Bob Kerslake’s speech at the Housing Studies Association Autumn Lecture, October 2017

A transcript of Lord Kerslake's speech at the HSA Autumn Lecture 2017
28 Oct 2017

Addressing the UK Housing Challenge: the Housing Studies Association Autumn Lecture 2017

Beth Watts summarises the HSA's first ever Autumn Lecture
28 Oct 2017

National Housing Federation Conference 2017: Social Housing and the Search for Clarity

Brian Robson reflect on the NHF 2017 conference
5 Oct 2017

Introducing the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence

Ken Gibb introduces CaCHE and the first HSA Autumn Lecture
28 Sep 2017

News from the Housing Studies Association and why you should join now

Beth Watts, HSA Chair, describes the benefits of becoming an HSA member
25 Sep 2017

RC21 Conference Blog: Financialisation and Urban Global Justice

Ben Pattison reflects on the 2017 RC21 conference
18 Sep 2017

Housing: The Electorate Strikes Back?

Brian Lund reflects on the role of housing in the 2017 General Election
14 Aug 2017

Thinkhouse – Linking Research and Decision-Making in Housing

Richard Hyde discusses the motivations behind setting up Thinkhouse
3 Aug 2017

Making the Private Rented Sector Work for People in Poverty

Amy Beckett reflects on a joint JRF and CIH event about private renting
25 Jul 2017

Putting the “Social” back in “Social Housing”? Thoughts from Housing 2017

Yoric Irving-Clarke reflects on the 2017 CIH conference
7 Jul 2017

The Impact of Inequality: Reflections on Grenfell

Tony Manzi discusses the failure of three policy strands in the context of the Grenfell Tower fire
3 Jul 2017

Being Homeless Twice: The Migrant Experience of Homelessness

Valerie Karn prize winner Regina Serpa presents key themes from her successful paper
21 Jun 2017

Homelessness Reduction Act 2017: Solution to the Housing Crisis in England?

Jenny Hoolachan presents an overview of an event titled 'Homelessness Conference 2017: Solutions to the Housing Crisis’
7 Jun 2017

Housing Studies in a Time of Crisis

Beth Watts reflects on the Housing Studies Association Conference 2017
10 Apr 2017

Homelessness and the Private Rented Sector

Joe Crawford provides an overview of an HSA-funded event
6 Dec 2016

Tackling Homelessness: Developing and Sharing Best Practice

Jennifer Harris provides an overview of a one-day research event 'Tackling Homelessness: Developing and Sharing Best Practice'
24 Nov 2016

Defining and Measuring Housing Affordability in the PRS Using the Minimum Income Standard

Lydia Marshall from NatCen provides an overview of her 2016 ENHR conference paper
29 Aug 2016

Housing in Uncertain Times. Report from the 2016 CIH Conference

Helen Taylor discusses the key themes of the 2016 CIH conference.
20 Jul 2016

Report from the RGS London Housing Seminar

Tony Manzi provides an overview of the 2016 RGS London Housing Seminar
8 Jul 2016

Early Career Researcher’s Funding Workshop

An overview of the ECR workshop that took place during the 2016 HSA conference
27 Apr 2016

Three Futures

Jules Birch asks 'what does the future hold for housing?'
26 Apr 2016

Getting Housing in Perspective: Reflections on Research and Journalism

Jules Birch reflects on the differences between academics and journalists in understanding housing.
13 Apr 2016

Housing Generation Rent in Scotland

Kim McKee and Jennifer Hoolachan launch a new report on Generation Rent in Scotland.
30 Jun 2015
The Housing Studies Association (HSA) is a limited company registered in England and Wales under company number 13958843 at 42 Wellington Road, Greenfield, OL3 7AQ.
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